


MR.GREY est créateur multidisciplinaire qui explore l’art numérique et les technologies, souvent sous la forme d’expériences immersives/intéractives. Avec son univers coloré, fantastique et futuriste; il partage une vision ludique pleine d’espoir, mais qui invite à la réflexion sur les réalités de notre avenir.
Il fonde en 2007 le Pinkcloud Crew, un collectif multidisciplinaire basé à Montréal.

Gagnant de la Bourse Vidéo Euterke 2021 / SAT


MR.GREY is a multidisciplinary creator who explores digital art and technologies, often in the form of immersive/interactive experiences. With its colorful, fantastic and futuristic universe; it shares a playful vision full of hope, but which invites reflection on the realities of our future.
In 2007, he founded the Pinkcloud Crew, a multidisciplinary collective based in Montreal.

Winner of the Bourse Vidéo Euterke 2021 / SAT

More Projects from MR.GREY


Event Services

Pinkcloud is a collective of multidisciplinary artists created in 2007 to meet the needs of a group who wanted to exchange ideas and resources. Our primary goal is to create opportunities for our members, as well as the development of projects and cultural events representative of today's creative currents. Through our actions, we want to encourage our members to collaborate and cross their different disciplines, but also to offer new and innovative experiences to a wide audience.

Kanata Creations

Natural Construction Collectiv

The objectives of our association are to support the creation and dissemination of works by multidisciplinary artists exploring the impact of humans on their environment, as well as to promote artistic actions aimed at raising awareness and inspiring future generations to reassess their role in the environment and propose sustainable solutions.

Campus SAT Jeunesse

VJ & Video mapping INSTRUCTOR

The creative workshops at SAT introduce youth aged 7 to 17 to artistic, playful, and empowering practices, encouraging them not only to be mere consumers of digital technology but instigators of change.

Contact me for a Introduction class to VJ, Video Mapping or TouchDesigner : mthoer@sat.qc.ca


  • 2013 : Fondation Revivre @ Metropolis : Installation vidéo – Les Cadres d’ors (LINK)
  • 01 to 04 -14 : Revolt @ Pub St Paul – Visual Installations (LINK)
  • 03 to 05-14 : Black Sheeps Jams – Live visual improv mix (LINK)
  • 02-05-14 : Festival Anachronik: Design et mapping pour lancement (LINK)
  • 03-05-14 : Festival Anachronik: Gutter Demons & We Are Wolves @ Club Soda (LINK)
  • 02-08-14 : MEG x Pinkcloud @ Divan Orange: Live visuals & Music
  • 06-09-14 : J-Festival : X-Ambassador – Mapping Installation + live visuals (LINK)
  • 17-10-14 : Pinkcloud  @ Bain Mathieu, Montréal : ILLUSIO & Les Visage Numeriques
  • 21-03-15 : Molly Fuck @ Cabaret Playhouse – Mapping installation DJ booth (LINK)
  • 28-03-15 : MEG x OTS @ Divan Orange : Mapping installation & live visuals (LINK)
  • 15-02-19 : Bahidora Carnaval in Mexico – Illusio –  (LINK 1LINK 2)
  • 27-04-19 : Exodus 2019 / Eden&Creative @ Bain Mathieu, Montréal
  • 25-02-21 : Église St-Mathieu, Beloeil (LINK)
  • 18-02-22 : Showfrette  – Église St-Mathieu, Beloeil (LINK)
  • 09-03-22 : SAT FEST – Satosphère, Société des Arts Technologique, Montréal (LINK
  • 04-03-22 : Mtl Mini Psychedelic Festival @ Barfly, Montreal
  • 09-04-22 : Halo @ Bar la shop, Montreal (LINK
  • 26-04-22 : Musica Fémina @  La Tohu, Montreal (LINK)
  • 12-05-22 : Harm Reduction conference @ BANQ, Montreal
  • 05/06-22 : Festival Classica, Saint Lambert
  • 05-08-22 : Festival Illusion, Béthanie (LINK
  • 19-08-22 : Lumifest en cavale, Repentingy (LINK  – LINK 2 )
  • 02-09-22 : Festival Goodvibes, Chute Sainte-Agathes (LINK)
  • 07-09-22 : Textures Urbaines @ Wilder, Montreal (LINK)
  • 14-09-22 : Motion (PQDS & Panasonic) @ Place des Festivals, Montréal (LINK)
  • 01-10-22 : Festival Lumifest, Longeuil (LINK1LINK2 )
  • 20-10-22 : Labo des possible #1 @ Factory, Montreal 
  • 04-11-22 : Pandémonium @ Lespacemaker, Montreal (LINK
  • 17-11-22 : Labo des possible #2 @ Factory, Montreal (LINK)
  • 26-11-22 : Atlantis @ Entrepôt Dominion, Montreal
  • 21-04-23 : Osa Rave @ Krazy Kinkajou, Dominical, Costa Rica
  • 30-05-23 : Festival Classica, Salle Claude-Champagne, Montréal
  • 01-06-23 : Expo @ Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle, Ottawa
  • 24-06-23 : Fête Nationale du Québec, Saint Lambert (LINK)
  • 17-08-23 : Lumifest Repentigny (LINK)
  • 01-09-23 : Timeless Festival @ Parc des Chutes de Saint-Agathe, Québec (LINK
  • 17-09-23 : Expo @ ART.ÉCRAN, Montréal 
  • 28-09-23 : Video mapping @ MAPP, Montréal (LINK)
  • 29-09-23 : Stage Design & Mapping @ Lumifest Longueuil (LINK)
  • 16-11-23 : VJ @ MINDQUAKE V : FILTHY BASS (LA SHOP), Montréal
  • 25-11-23 : VJ @ GENESIS III (LINK), Montréal
  • 09-12-23 : VJ @ VirtuoCité 02, Montréal
  • 02-03-24 : YAOURT @ INSOMNIA : NUIT BLANCHE, Montréal (LINK)
  • 10-03-24 : YAOURT @ SXSW, Austin, Texas
  • 22-03-24 : VJ @ Bourgeons Numériques, Longueuil
  • 23-03-24 : VJ @  Le Grand Éphémère (Le Refrain), Montréal
  • 19-04-24 : VJ @ L’Apologie de l’Acid, Montréal (LINK)
  • 30-05-24 : Amoureuses de Mozart, Festival Classica, Montréal (LINK)
  • 06-06-24 : Der Kaiser von Atlantis, Festival Classica, Montréal (LINK)
  • 07-06-24 : Laboratoire d’Atargatis + VJ @ Festival Triskel, Barnston (LINK)


Integration specialist

I pride myself on our exceptional integration services. With my deep understanding of various technologies and extensive experience in integration projects, I deliver customized solutions tailored to meet your specific business needs. My commitment to excellence, coupled with my attention to detail and proactive approach, ensures that our integration services not only meet but exceed your expectations. Trust me to streamline your systems and enhance the public experience.

+12 Years of Experience

For over twelve years, I have had the privilege of immersing myself in the event and festival industry, collaborating closely with the best professionals in the field. Throughout various experiences I've honed my skills and expertise, passionately contributing to the success and innovation of countless events, driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence alongside industry luminaries.

90% renewal from our clients

Our high client renewal rate underscores the exceptional satisfaction and trust they have in our video services, reaffirming our commitment to consistently delivering outstanding results. This loyalty speaks volumes about the quality and reliability they've come to expect from our offerings.

Our Address

426 Avenue Notre Dame
Saint-Lambert, QC J4P 2K4, Canada